How Many Dry Herb Vapes Should I Own?

October 02, 2020

1, 2, 3, With Three Various Dark Side Vapes and Question Marks

The world of vaporization is filled with so many different types of brands, models, styles, accessories, and modalities to choose from that it can be overwhelming to those less experienced with the genre.

When we refer to vaporization here, we will be discussing mainly the portable style of vaporization for dry herbs, otherwise known as dry herb vape pens. Aside from desktop vapes that function very well for dry herbs, owning one would be ideal for someone looking to have an extended session confined to home use only.

Here we will be looking at the more popular and efficient option of portable dry herb vape pens. Owning could even replace that of your home unit, since all high-quality portable devices usually have rechargeable batteries that can keep up with daily use.

Why Would I Want to Own More Than One?

Depending on your budget, vaping habits, and other variable factors, you might want to consider owning more than one type of vape pen in order to maximize your vape session capacities. This is a highly subjective and personal assessment that will ultimately come down to a matter of personal preference.

Having more than one vape at hand ensures you will always be able to have a vape session regardless if one has burned out or run out of battery. Other factors would likely point to having the convenience of two or more different types of dry herbs at any given time, tailoring your experiences and delivering the right types of dosages you might need as a medical patient for example.

Broken Vape with Vape Hidden Under Rock

Other reasons for owning more than one would be in case you either happen to lose, break, or have your unit stolen in an unfortunate event, with another as your backup. This would make sense considering how long you would have to wait to either order another one, whether online or in person.

Why Would I Want to Own Just One?

Again, this is a highly personal choice that depends on several factors, though some of the most viable reasons would likely include budget, minimalism, and/or personal preference.

Some people just like having one, and that is simply fine as long as they consider the alternative should something go wrong with their device. Depending on how much money one can spend on a dry herb unit, having enough money to get only one is enough of a reason to just stick with one.

The prospect of having too many can also pose an issue if you have the mentality of having more to lose should one go missing or malfunction, or the inconvenience of having to maintain and keep track of another unit. If both units run low on battery, then charging two instead of one can also be a tedious experience, whereas focus on only one is sufficient.

Which Model(s) Should I Go For?

Here at Darkside Vapes, you will find that our assessment is fair and accurate when we point out our own production line of high-quality dry herb vaporizers. This is backed by stellar reviews from those within the dry herb vaping community that have extensive experience without vapes.

You will find our units are made to the highest standard of quality, utilizing the latest in dry herb vape technology. Models like the E-CLIPSE are pioneers in the vaping world, as one the world’s smallest and efficient convection vaporizers for dry herbs, this portable little beast defines discretion with a full range of precision temperature control.

E-Clipse Vape with Red Background

Other dry herb vapes such as our Titan 1 and Titan 2 are exceptional models for those looking for a more introductory model that boasts high efficiency and convenience. All are convection vapes which means you get the best that modern vaping standards have to offer.

Written By: Anthony E.

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