Vape Parts Chamber and Mouthpiece and Dry Marijuana

What is the Most Important Component in a Dry Herb Vape

This article will discuss the dry herb vaporizer as a whole and point out the most crucial aspects and components that comprise the dry herb vaporizer. Individually, a dry herb vape’s parts are only worth the material they are made out of. Together, they form a functional unit.
Graphic of Man Vaping With Thick Clouds of Vapor

How To Increase Vapor Thickness in a Dry Herb Vape

This article will discuss the methods behind getting the most out of a dry herb vaporizer. Since they are known to produce very thin clouds compared to standard e-juice vapes, users look for ways to enhance their dry herb vape experience. Here we will be exploring ways to get thicker clouds.
Three Types of Chargers for Vapes and Graphic for Battery

How To Charge A Dry Herb Vape On The Go

This article will look at some of the most convenient ways to plug in and charge your portable vapes on the go. While plugging a vape into a wall outlet is perhaps the best way to ensure your battery reaches its maximum capacity, there are methods of taking your vapes without having to resort to this.

Ninja with red sword

How Stealthy Are Vaporizers

This article will focus on the methods used to keep the activity of vaping hidden from others and looking at the inherent nature of vapes as being designed for privacy during sessions. We will be looking at ways to further maintain this feature without negatively affecting our vape sessions.

Titan 2 Dry Herb Vaporizer Pen Review

Titan 2 Dry Herb Vaporizer Review

Regardless of experience, there is a great deal of dry herb vaporizers out there that cater to an ever-increasing range of customers. Needless to say, finding the ‘perfect’ dry herb vaporizer can be a daunting process that often leaves newer users in the dark. In comparison to the Titan 1, the Titan 2 offers more advanced features at an equally affordable price point. For one, the Titan 2 utilizes the same convection-style heating system as the Titan 1, but with full temperature control and a display screen. This is a dry herb vaporizer you can take anywhere and will not have to recharge constantly, which is a huge plus in today’s fast paced world where we are constantly on the go. Let’s take an in-depth look at what you can expect from the Titan 2 dry herb vaporizer.

AGO Vaporizer Review

AGO Vaporizer Review

As vaping has become more and more popular, there has been a noticeable lack of quality options for dry-herb vape pens. Pens would either be poor quality, high-cost or otherwise inaccessible to the general consumer. That story changed with the introduction of the AGO Vaporizer: a high-quality vape pen that, though it is versatile and can be used for different distillates, is specialized towards dry-herb products.

E-Clipse Vaporizer with Death Star Herb Grinder

E-Clipse Dry Herb Vaporizer Review

The E-CLIPSE Vaporizer is a small but powerful dry herb vape designed to deliver flavorful, full-bodied vapors.  It is sleek, compact and can turn your herbs into vapor in a matter of seconds, all while fitting comfortably in the palm of your hand. And with a powerful, long-lasting battery, it is great for vaping at home or on the go.